
MA in Physical Sciences

教授物理科学、物理、化学或地球科学? 通过BSU物理科学硕士课程提高您的技能

你在为教育工作者寻找最好的物理研究生课程和物理科学学位课程吗? Whether you’re currently teaching physical science, physics, chemistry or earth science in middle school or high school, 我们可以通过ladbrokes立博中文版的物理科学硕士课程帮助您提升教育水平并获得专业执照.

For more than 180 years, BSU帮助教育工作者磨练他们的技能,以成长为教师, improve their content knowledge and advance their careers.

我们的研究生物理科学教学学位课程是专门为高中和初中学科领域的教师设计的. 该计划包括评估和标准的核心教育课程, STEM-specific pedagogical content knowledge courses, 和先进的STEM内容课程,使项目毕业生符合中小学教育部门的执照要求.

如果这听起来像是你职业生涯的下一步,我们的物理科学硕士学位 Department of Physics, Photonics and Optical Engineering can help you acquire the tools, 让你的教学更上一层楼所需的理论和知识.

Master of Arts in Physical Sciences Program Highlights

BSU Professor Susan Savill, wearing a t-shirt that says "With enough thrust pigs fly just fine," has an elementary student demonstrate a gadget that blows air on a roll of toilet paper and makes it unroll into the air

Seasoned instructors

在物理科学硕士课程中,你将从科学和教育中学习 faculty. Not only will you benefit from their scholarly expertise, 但你也会从他们在课堂上的岁月中获得洞察力和灵感.
A BSU student sitting at a desk working on her computer

Earn an MA on your schedule

我们为教育工作者提供的物理科学学位课程可以在线完成, on campus or a combination of both. Complete your MA in the way that works best for you.
BSU教授Thaya Paramanathan和两名物理系学生在单分子实验室工作

Work with top-notch technology

如果你选择亲自学习,因为你在BSU攻读物理科学学位, 你将在我们价值1亿美元的达纳·莫勒-法里亚科学和数学中心的尖端实验室学习和工作.

Small class sizes offer big opportunities for learning

Throughout our MA program, 你将在少于10名研究生的课堂上学习——他们都是初中和高中教师. 这将为你提供更多与导师一对一的时间,并允许你与你的研究生同学合作和联系.

Join a dynamic and inspiring learning environment

最好的物理研究生课程和物理科学课程为教育工作者提供了充满活力和鼓舞人心的学习环境- BSU的课程也不例外. 我们的教师将为你提供一个学院和支持的氛围,以帮助你实现你的目标.

Find the financial support you need

BSU为正在攻读物理教学学位或物理科学教育学位的研究生提供经济资助. For more information, visit our Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

Program of Study for Physical Sciences Graduate Students


你应该在北京州立大学攻读物理科学课程的顶级硕士学位吗, your courses may cover chemistry, earth sciences and physics.

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Thomas Kling

“自从我在高中教了整整一年之后, 我也在寻找一个程序,它最终会产生我真正可以使用的材料. I found that through my science courses.”



仅北京州立大学的物理科学课程就培养了100多名地区初中和高中教师. BSU物理科学专业的毕业生已经在马萨诸塞州和其他地方的中学课堂上做出了贡献.



根据美国的数据,超过了仅拥有学士学位的中学教师.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

物理科学硕士有资格获得无补贴的学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the Financial Aid Office website or contact them directly at finaid@oldtimer-markt.net.

BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover


Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
